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Why We Hide Our Identity


The discrimination against caregivers in the workplace is exactly why many caregivers try to hide this identity from their employers.

Below is an example as recorded by NIH (National Institute for Health).

** "One employee took intermittent Family and Medical Leave Act leave to care for his wife. After he informed his employer that his wife would be going on long-term disability, his new supervisor told him that he must be in the office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and that he could no longer flex his hours, telecommute, or work from home—despite the fact that the employer permitted and even encouraged all similarly situated employees to do so. He had been telecommuting, working from home, and flexing his hours for well over a decade with no detriment to his performance.”**

WE HAVE HEARD MANY SIMILAR STORIES. The story is pasted a second time with our thoughts in parenthesis.

- One employee took intermittent Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave to care for his wife. (Meaning his care responsibilities fluctuated)

- After he informed his employer that his wife would be going on long-term disability, (something he did not to disclose but demonstrated that his wife now had more constant health struggles)

- his new supervisor (often, inclusive practices are based in supervisor preferences, and supervisors do not receive oversight or training on how caregivers are treated - meaning that caregivers are extra vulnerable when they have a new caregiver because they do not have a relationship or work record to prove they can do their job well)

- told him that he must be in the office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and that he could no longer flex his hours, telecommute, or work from home—despite the fact that the employer permitted and even encouraged all similarly situated employees to do so. (Blatant discrimination)

- He had been telecommuting, working from home, and flexing his hours for well over a decade with no detriment to his performance.”

(This enforcement had nothing to do with his performance or job responsibilities. It is caregiver bias: that a person can’t do their job and be a caregiver - something not based on truth or the employee’s track record. The employee now faces potential financial ruin either way - rely on expensive paid caregiver help or lose his job - right at the same time he needs stability and resources more than ever.)

We often hide because of existing discrimination or discrimination around the corner. It shouldn't have to be that way.


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